
Case Study: 3DNet
Industry: 3D Printers
Challenge: Develop on the fly VAT exclusion dropdown menu, responsive on all screens. Migrate the template and classify all code.

3dnet.no Kaleido Shopify Expert

Europe. Our home and the place where you have to make sure to include VAT. 3DNet was our first experience with a company that does 3d printing. Little did we know that less than a year later, we would start making 3d Shopify models for customers around the world. We printed out some of them as well.

This task was quite interesting. With an already customized theme, we had to come up with a way to make sure that VAT could be applied or removed at will. We had to design a mini app from scratch, that would take the prices in and automatically increase / decrease the pricing depending on the selection. We went ahead deeper in the next project where we did this based on customer geolocation in real time. It proved to be an amazing feature for multi store design that some of our customers decide to go with. 

At the end of the project, we did a complete theme code cleaning and upgrade, to make sure to future proof the theme design and to keep the Shopify store running smoothly and quickly. 

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